"What would you do about Al Qaeda and Bin Laden?"
"I will exterminate them."
"Just like that - just exterminate them, like it's that easy?"
"I shall exterminate."
"What would your policy be toward companies whose factories or products that still contribute to global warming?"
"They must be exterminated."
"How would you handle the president of Iran?"
"I will exterminate him."
"How would you deal with members of Congress who oppose you on foreign policy?"
"They will be exterminated."
"What's the first thing you plan to say to the new French president?"
"You will be exterminated."
"How should the US handle the Iraqi insurgency?"
"What policies would you adopt toward monopolistic companies like Microsoft?"
"What would you do about critics like Rush Limbaugh?"
Needless to say, the presidential debates would be pretty predictable.