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Some prayer requests

If any of my Christian bro's or sistuhs read this, I would appreciate prayer for the following long-term requests. (I don't exactly advertise or promote my blogsite.) And feel free to share requests with me, if you need prayer for anything.

1. In the past year, I have started to understand the biblical concept of the fear of God, which has been revolutionary for my spiritual life. It is barely mentioned or very misunderstood in modern evangelical circles; it's not inherently negative, and is in fact quite a blessing to understand it. I've turned more to older Christian writings and varieties of religious experiences to help me better understand and express it. But I need to understand it much better and live it out more, especially in terms of practical spirituality. Please pray for my deeper understanding, practice, and experience of the fear of God.

2. Please pray for my research - the labor-intensive design & running of experiments on Chinese psycholinguistics, getting subjects, analyzing data, and writing up and finishing my dissertation by Dec. 2007 or early spring 2008. Then I need to find a good academic job as a research professor. Also, I need to write up and submit good papers for publication soon (important for getting a good job at a good school - I don't want to end up at some place like University of Greenland, Micronesia College, or Siberia Tundra College).

3. My wife and I would like to start a family, and have been trying to have kids. Related to that and #2, I need funding sources for school, research, and family - fellowships, assistantships, etc.

4. I continue to have eye problems - eye strain and pain, aggravated by allergies and working and studying a lot in front of computers. It's problematic for studying or social interaction at times (people probably wonder why I look at them or others strangely).


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