Good advice on how to pray, specifically, what to pray for, and how to direct one's spiritual life, from St. Bonaventure (San Bonaventura, 1221-1274), a 13th century Italian saint:
...ask [for] grace not teaching, desire not understanding, the groan of prayer not the effort of reading, the Bridegroom not the teacher, God not man, darkness not brightness, not light bur rather the fire that wholly enflames and transforms into God by its extreme anointments and most ardent affections. This fire is God and "its furnace is in Jerusalem".
St. Bonaventure, The Mind's Journey into God, chapter 2
...ask [for] grace not teaching, desire not understanding, the groan of prayer not the effort of reading, the Bridegroom not the teacher, God not man, darkness not brightness, not light bur rather the fire that wholly enflames and transforms into God by its extreme anointments and most ardent affections. This fire is God and "its furnace is in Jerusalem".
St. Bonaventure, The Mind's Journey into God, chapter 2